Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pull the Trigger

Good News! We have 3 follicles ready to go (21mm, 20mm, 16mm)

My lining of my uterus is 12mm, which is perfecto to support a pregnancy because it's supposed to be anywhere from 7mm-20mm so woohoo go uterus! If I had to picture my uterus right now it would look like the picture below, it's got a big smile for doing such a good job lol.

That's crazy someone actually makes these, and sells them.

Today is CD 16.

I am still waiting on the official call from the Doc, but they already said I am to do my Trigger Shot TONIGHT. We are doing the IUI, Thursday. Holy Crap

I know there is no guarantee, but I have to have a little hope or there wouldn't be a point in me doing this. Plus we have so many people praying, I can feel all the positive energy!

I will definitely post the video of the trigger shot tonight. I have a feeling it's gonna be a real hoot!