Friday, May 24, 2013

IUI #1 Monitoring Day #1

Ok everyone please meet little Jack (biggest out of the two, so this follicle gets a boys name). I had two good follies. I had others but they weren't as big as the two good ones. I had one that was 14mm and one that 12mm. They need to keep growing in order to become mature enough to be released (18mm-20mm). But that's why it's called monitoring! YAY! I feel so much better now. I should get a call this afternoon to let me know what the next step is!


  1. Yay!! At my first monitoring appt for IUI#1 my biggest were 9mm...I took more meds and another u/s and they grew by about 5mm. HL and FX for you! Grow follies, grow!!

  2. Jack is already a cutie ;) FX that he's the one! Grow, follies, grow!!
