Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2ww Starts now

IUI#1 was today. The nurse said things couldn't have been more perfect. We will see. I am really trying not to get my hopes up to high. I know it may take a few. I get to test on 6/14/13. Please keep praying! For some reason, I have the best feeling.

The IUI, not gonna lie. HURT. Not like I couldn't handle it, kinda like I just wanted to kick my nurse in the face. I could do it 100000 times if it meant me having a baby. The procedure only took about 10mins. We confirmed my hosp bracelet I was who I said I was, and that I get the correct sperm. Aeron recorded it, and held my hand the whole time. After it was over I laid there for about 20mins. One of the best moments in our marriage by far. We held both hands, I bawled my eyes out because I just felt like such a relief. Such a surreal moment we actually made it this far!

So here's the numbers:
I had 3 follies ready.
I started ovulating on my own. The DR could confirm I was ovulating.
Aeron's postwash was: 65million (GREAT NUMBERS)

So now we wait and pray.


  1. GL!!!!! My FX for you! It really is special...that moment after the IUI is done and you and DH are just in the room alone. I love that part too = )

  2. Awww! That's so sweet that you two had such a special moment together :) I have my FX for you!

  3. Thanks so much ladies. I wasn't really prepared for how emotional I was gonna feel.
