Thursday, May 30, 2013

Prayers, Faith, and Miracles

I knew this 2 WW would be hard, but I didn't think it would be this hard.

I like to be in control of everything, I am a planner. For sure this whole experience for the past 7 years has made me realize I'm not always in control. Now it's truly a time I can reflect. I believe god put me in this position for a reason. God brought me to a new job with infertility coverage, brought me to job where it was the same parking lot as Genetics and IVF Institute so it would be convenient, God prepared my body by allowing the follicles to grow, and for me to respond to the clomid, and even to begin to ovulate on my own. Then finally, God made sure Aeron's sample was awesome. Now there is only my faith to get me through the next 2 weeks, no more meds I can take, no more monitoring, no more procedures. God has to work the final magic, and I must have faith.

It's hard though not to get too excited, not to vision that positive test for once. I have to prepare that it may take more than once. We had very good IUI, especially for our first one.

 I am not jealous of people who have children, because I know in my heart Aeron and I will become parents, but I am a little jealous that people.....just find out their pregnant. They don't need to worry about how big the follicles are or how much sperm their husband produces. I know for a fact this walk together has my husband and I stronger, and I also know this has made us realize what a miracle this whole process really is. Once we have a baby, these lessons will make us all the better parents.

Please keep praying that everything does what it's supposed to do, and it sticks!


  1. Keep the faith! I have my FX for you that this cycle is the one! I know what you mean about preparing yourself for yet another negative, but I've decided this time I'm going to let myself get excited. I tried to keep myself calm, but then I end up in a hopeless, dark place. I don't like feeling that way. So instead, I'll be excited, naive, hopeful. Anyway, I'm right there with you on this 2WW. I hope it flies!!

  2. Thanks so much for the feedback. This sucks! But it could all end up worth it!
