Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today has been an AWESOME day, but also a heavy heart day. Today is the day my hero died 7 years ago, my grandpa. A lot of time I don't show sadness because he lives in my heart. I know he is here. Of course, I wish he was actually here on earth where I could hear his advice, hear him sing, or laugh. Those are selfish things. I now realize just how strong our bond was. I know my grandpa continues to be my biggest fan, even in heaven. Below is a song that will always remind me of him. Because I thought he walked on water.

Today I was GRACIOUSLY blessed with a raise, but instead of giving it to me throughout the year, my work gave it to me all at once. This is the biggest blessing, so now I can pay off some bills that have been hanging over our heads.

Also this morning was monitoring. My follie-which I will name Sunny (in tribute to my grandpa) had a huge jump in size to 19.5mm. I couldn't believe it!

Things are going pretty well this month. Below is the email from my nurse regarding my next steps.

Hi Sarah,
Happy Thursday, hope you are well.
Everything is looking great today and we are ready for your IUI!
You have one dominant follicle (19.5mm) on your left ovary. The other remaining follicles on both sides are very small. Your estrogen level is up to 321, which is appropriate for your follicle count.
Here are your instructions:
-          Inject your ovidrel tonight 6/27 at 10:45pm
-          Your husband should ejaculate today and abstain tomorrow
-          Your husband’s appointment is on Saturday 6/29 at 9:15am, he should arrive with a photo-ID
-          Your appointment is on Saturday 6/29 at 10:45am, you should arrive with a  photo-ID and a full bladder
Good luck!! Let me know if you have any further questions, I will be here until 5pm today.
Take care,


  1. Awesome!!! I am so sorry for your loss, but what a great tribute! FX that this is your cycle!!
