Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Starting Over Isn't Always Bad

Today was my yearly gyno visit and my fertility check up with Dr. Ng. BTW=Best Dr. Ever! Basically he said we are going to start fresh with Clomid, forget about all the months and years we have tried. There is nothing medically wrong with us (other than random ovulation/lack of ovulation some cycles). We know for a fact Clomid made me ovulate in the past, we confirmed with a blood test. So now I just need to takes lots of Baby Moon weekend trips with my hubbs : ) I wish I was as confident as Dr. Ng is, but I am going to be positive.
I do have a very good feeling about this round of baby making. So basically below is the plan of action.
-Get my period on track-Most likely by taking Provera
-Continue taking Metformin
-Take Clomid on days 5-9

Hopefully within a few months we will be expecting a precious gift!!

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